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This page will cover the configuration part of the interaction library.

Configuring the library for the Botrino framework

For the library to work with the Botrino framework, you just need to make sure that your bot module requires botrino.interaction, and that the interaction entry is present in your config.json. The entry has the following structure:

"interaction": {
"application_commands_guild_id": null,
"private_commands_guild_id": null,
"default_ack_mode": "default",
"await_component_timeout_seconds": 600
application_commands_guild_idlongThe ID of the guild in which commands will be deployed. Specifying null or completely omitting the field will deploy them globally.No, default null
private_commands_guild_idlongThe ID of the guild in which commands marked with @PrivateCommand will be deployed. Specifying null or completely omitting the field will not deploy them at all.No, default null
default_ack_modestringHow interactions should be acknowledged by default. Possible values (case insensitive):
  • default: equivalent to defer.
  • defer: automatically acknowledges all interactions with defer reply or defer edit as appropriate. This is the default behavior.
  • defer_ephemeral: similar to defer except the EPHEMERAL flag is set, meaning the next reply/edit will only be visible to the user who initiated the interaction.
  • none: won't acknowledge any interaction automatically. In that case, you will be in charge of acknowledging interactions manually.
No, default default
await_component_timeout_secondsintegerThe time in seconds after which InteractionContext::awaitComponentInteraction automatically times out.No, default 600

Configuring the library manually

If you don't use the framework, the configuration is done via the InteractionConfig object, which is used to construct InteractionService:

// Use default values
final var config = InteractionConfig.withDefaults();
// Use custom values
final var config = InteractionConfig.builder()
// Login to Discord using the token passed as program argument
final var gateway = DiscordClient.create(args[0]).login().block();
// Initialize the interaction service
final var interactionService = InteractionService.create(config, gateway);

The methods available in InteractionConfig::builder are the same as the ones in the JSON described previously.

Once you have the InteractionService instance, you can register your commands and subscribe to its run() method:

// Register your commands
interactionService.registerChatInputCommand(new PingCommand());
// Listen for interaction events until the bot disconnects;

None of this is necessary when using the Botrino framework. Creation of InteractionConfig and InteractionService, registration of commands and execution of the run() method are all done automatically.